Tuesday, January 30, 2007

An autobiography of Solitude

I come even where I'm not let in
I walk in Silence
I walk with a heavy gait
I drawl on time and shadow thoughts
I bring hope
And at the same time, Disappointment
I bring memories
And at the same time a wish to forget everything
I am like a cloud
That thunders distant voices
Flashes shadows and rains memories
I am like a battered old book
That contains the secret of ages
Concealed in words of future tense
I wash one's world with darkness
Filled with flashes of familiar faces
And echoes of distant voices
I magnify Sorrow and multiply Hope
I am like a long lost friend
Who shares the deepest of one's sorrows
The darkest of one's secrets
And the brightest of one's hopes
I am unbiased emotion
I am an unfathomable expression
I am the immeasurable depth
I am an incomplete story
I am a complete world
I swallow not just the body
But engulf the soul as well
I am SolitudeI am a part of life
I am Life unveiled in its virgin form...


Srikanth Hariharan said...

beautifully explained anu.....as i read the poem i realised how true it is! solitude...the all in all...
great work anu.... keep writing

Anubhuti Mishra said...

thanx da'.....m honoured...