Wednesday, July 9, 2008


The breeze swaying those lusturous locks
Cutting past the elegant curves of her body,
Unaware of the whole world she sits,
Eyes unfocused yet searching something,
She waits...

With no words to express her longing,
With no voice to cry out her anguish,
With no teras to drain away her fears,
Deaf to all voices around her,
Ears pricked for a crunch of his footsteps,
She waits...

Without a breath of life entering her,
Without a shimmer of light, to scatter the darkness,
Without a spark of inspiration to live,
Motionless except for the monotonous beating of her broken heart,
She waits...

Wordless dry lips, motionless with emotion,
Darkness encircling the wait in her eyes,
Gradually engulfing her very self,
Insensitive of what they think of her,
She waits...

With only a hope to be loved,
With only a desire to belong,
With only a longing to wait,
She belongs not to herself, but to him,
She loves...
Therefore, she waits...

1 comment:

Bharat Sourav Rath said...

hey are these all poems ur own writings ???
if yes, then these are very nice...
keep writing more...